Meaning of deeng marana,ding marana in english
Interpreting deeng marana,ding marana - डींग मारना
As noun : shoot mouth off
As verb :
boast Ex:  To boast of his nobility, his wealth
Other : to stretch Ex:  He said still generally in terms of Art, This serves to open and close, to stretch and relax certain things; or up and disassemble, to tighten, to maintain certain assemblies, etc to vaunt to bounce vaunt crow brag bounce stretch Ex:  He said still generally in terms of Art, This serves to open and close, to stretch and relax certain things; or up and disassemble, to tighten, to maintain certain assemblies, etc ruffle blow Ex:  In terms of the Jeu de Paume, ais A sudden, The blow that gives the ball fly in one board that is on the side of
Suggested : to spring back from a surface in a lively manner to use boastful language boast any of several large oscine birds of the genus Corvus, of the family Corvidae, having a long, stout bill, lustrous black plumage, and a wedge-shaped tail, as the common C brachyrhynchos, of North America to speak vaingloriously of boast of to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself
Exampleडींग मारना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of deeng marana,ding marana Antonyms of deeng marana,ding marana
Word of the day
Related words :
As verb : डींग मारना या हाँकना - brag
deeng marana,ding marana
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
Dii.nga maaranaa