Meaning of domeeniyana in english
Interpreting domeeniyana - डोमीनियन
As noun : government Ex:  The government was accused of incompetence.
state Ex:  The state of Iowa has many attractions. city Ex:  the city suburbanized colony Ex:  Alabama and Biloxi, Mississippi functioned as the capital of the colony settlement Ex:  Fortriu also contains place-names suggesting Gaelic settlement
Other : dominion
Suggested : the act or state of settling or the state of being settled a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation a large or important town the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states direction of the affairs of a state, community , etc political administration
Exampleडोमीनियन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Related words :
Other : डोमीनियन विधानमण्डल - dominion legislature
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from English language .
Transliteration :