Meaning of dheere dheere ankhon se ojhal hona,dhire dhire ankhon se ojhal hona in english

Interpreting dheere dheere ankhon se ojhal hona,dhire dhire ankhon se ojhal hona - धीरे धीरे आँखों से ओझल होना
As noun :
melt Ex:  For instance, atomic theory implies that all metals melt at some temperature.
Exampleधीरे धीरे आँखों से ओझल होना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of dheere dheere ankhon se ojhal hona,dhire dhire ankhon se ojhal hona Antonyms of dheere dheere ankhon se ojhal hona,dhire dhire ankhon se ojhal hona

Word of the day
dheere dheere ankhon se ojhal hona,dhire dhire ankhon se ojhal hona can be used as noun.No of characters: 27 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : dhiire dhiire aa.Nkho.n se ojhala honaa

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