Meaning of dhire dhire in english

Interpreting dhire dhire - धीरे धीरे
As noun : gradually Ex:  His government gradually restored security
leisurely sluggishly little by little by degrees Ex:  Increase by degrees inch by inch inch Ex:  The British had a 6 inch howitzer
As adjective : slow Ex:  Bradman had begun a slow recovery.
As adverb : slowly Ex:  It trickled down very slowly .
Other : snail
Suggested : small in size not big not large tiny moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity indisposed to action or exertion lacking in energy lazy indolent acting, proceeding, or done without haste unhurried deliberate taking place, changing, moving, etc, by small degrees or little by little
Exampleधीरे धीरे का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of dhire dhire Antonyms of dhire dhire

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Usage of धीरे धीरे:
1. इसके बाद धीरे धीरे दिन छोटे होने लगेंगे jagran.com2. -यह शो ‘बालिका वधु’ आनंदी के जीवन के साथ शुरु हुआ और फिर धीरे धीरे इसमें उसकी बेटी नंदिनी की यात्रा जुड़ गई bhaskar.com3. इसके बाद धीरे धीरे अंधड़ और बदली के साथ ही हवा में ठंडक महसूस हुई और आसमान पर काले बादल छा गए bhaskar.comRelated words :
dhire dhire can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : dhiire dhiire

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