Meaning of (धकाधक) dhakadhaka in english

As noun : very Ex:  These kittens are very cute.
extreme Ex:  Because of the extreme winter weather in Kashmir generous rattling all Ex:  He always flirts with all girls in the locality. terribly bad Ex:  , Credit is dead, the bad debtors have killed him, we do not want to pay more; must pay cash plenty Ex:  Porgy reprises "I got plenty o' nuttin'" in high spirits. quite a few score Ex:  As an example of a score report, consider a match between St. a hell of a a fat lot awfully damn well Ex:  Children are well dressed for the party. dead Ex:  Pound meets the recently dead Futurist writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti number Ex:  The number of abductions was greatest in 2002 and 2003 pile a good deal a good deal of more Ex:  No more potatoes, please . a great deal Ex:  Ashmole devoted a great deal of energy to the study of alchemy. a helluva great Ex:  Is it go or no go? no great shakes Inf . packet Ex:  Give Valet packet to way Ex:  Alphonse himself had died on the way to Jerusalem
As verb : dirty Ex:  It also means who easily dirty
As adjective : enormous Ex:  He had an enormous influence on 20th century art several Ex:  After several days of protest, the U.S. Marines withdrew from the peninsula. considerable Ex:  Joseph II. Mozart had a considerable number of friends abundant Ex:  Thescelosaurus was also abundant in the Lance Formation. big Ex:  It will always be a big man's game if the big man plays the right way. exquisite much Ex:  You are jawing at me too much lately . multiple Ex:  There were multiple sources of leavening available for early bread. most Ex:  This book contains most of the chapters on specter.
As adverb : too Ex:  She hangs out with Alice too much . far Ex:  Makuria is by far the best-known kingdom of Christian Nubia mighty pretty Ex:  Having a big mouth, a pretty mouth
Suggested : of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average in a high degree extremely exceedingly at or to a great distance a long way off at or to a remote point in addition also furthermore moreover greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc huge immense
Exampleधकाधक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(धकाधक) dhakadhaka can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : dhakaadhaka

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