Meaning of (धौँताल) dhauँtala in english
As noun : adventurer
right as a trivet adept genius Ex:  W. H. Auden once called Wagner "perhaps the greatest genius that ever lived" versed Ex:  One who is versed in books, editions, etc dab hand expert Ex:  Kurosawa used real arrows shot by expert archers from a short range clean Ex:  in terms of Play, clean the carpet, Winning all the money that is on the game good Ex:  Anand got good training in chess. handy Ex:  From wax, clay handy sagacious prankster mischievous Ex:  One of the two genres, one that is lively and mischievous without malice rogue Ex:  This is a rogue with whom he is worthy to sail rascal hoaxer devil Ex:  It is a poor devil who has great difficulty living rowdy tease rapscallion trickster tricker scalawag impish scallywag bad Ex:  A bad copyist limb practical joker
As verb : dashing accomplished Ex:  2007. Bhumibol is an accomplished jazz musician and composer complete Ex:  The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days
As adjective : gutsy brave Ex:  It is more reckless than brave spunky daring nerveless courageous valiant high spirited plucky venturesome brawny sturdy dexterous clever Ex:  It feels a very clever painter, and is still a good boy with great teachers of our school proficient deft able Ex:  Komodo dragons are able to see in color hot Ex:  It ranges from semi-arid and hot in the north-west neat skilful Ex:  This skilful candidate has stepped adroit naughty wicked plesk implike
Suggested : adventurous courage boldness possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance a person who has, enjoys, or seeks adventures energetic and spirited lively having a great deal of courage or nerve
Exampleधौँताल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(धौँताल) dhauँtala
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :