Meaning of ek ganevala pakshee,ek ganevala pakshi in english

Interpreting ek ganevala pakshee,ek ganevala pakshi - एक गानेवाला पक्षी
As noun :
canary Ex:  A male canary canary female
Suggested : any of several Old World finches of the genus Serinus, especially S canaria (common canary) native to the Canary Islands and often kept as a pet, in the wild being greenish with brown streaks above and yellow below and in domesticated varieties usually bright yellow or pale yellow
Exampleएक गानेवाला पक्षी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ek ganevala pakshee,ek ganevala pakshi Antonyms of ek ganevala pakshee,ek ganevala pakshi

Word of the day
ek ganevala pakshee,ek ganevala pakshi can be used as noun.. No of characters: 17 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : eka gaanevaalaa pakShii

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