Meaning of ek tol (adhee chhatank ke lagabhag,ek tol (adhi chhatank ke lagabhag in english

Interpreting ek tol (adhee chhatank ke lagabhag,ek tol (adhi chhatank ke lagabhag - एक तोल (आधी छटांक के लगभग
Other :
ounce Ex:  One "dose" of absinthe is around 1 ounce
Suggested : a unit of weight equal to 4375 grains or 1/16 pound (2835 grams) avoirdupois
Exampleएक तोल (आधी छटांक के लगभग का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ek tol (adhee chhatank ke lagabhag,ek tol (adhi chhatank ke lagabhag

Word of the day
ek tol (adhee chhatank ke lagabhag,ek tol (adhi chhatank ke lagabhag . No of characters: 25 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : eka tola (aadhii ChaTaa.nka ke lagabhaga

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