Meaning of (एककलम) ekakalama in english
As noun : exclusively Ex:  In that decade Columbia switched exclusively to discs
away Ex:  After her husband died, she just pined away all the way Ex:  she climbed the mountain all the way simply Ex:  It simply won't blend in . through and through Ex:  I know my part in the play through and through . sublimely totally Ex:  Butchers are totally rotters. body and soul Ex:  He suffered all the ills of the body and soul right Ex:  All right for you, John . beyond all recognition wholly Ex:  he was wholly convinced to a t root and branch well and truly to the ground Ex:  This building is to be razed to the ground . good and Ex:  when Im good and ready heart and soul out of recognition to a tee hook, line and sinker clear Ex:  For storms with a clear eye clean Ex:  The baskets contain clean flat Ex:  This building has a flat roof. out of all recognition dead Ex:  In the worst-case scenario, we're all dead . whole Ex:  My friend and I chatted whole night. cold Ex:  I usually avoid cold drinks.
As adjective : bodily Ex:  Other bodily cues such as mittelschmerz are considered secondary indicators.
As adverb : profoundly Ex:  Lille remained profoundly Catholic head over heels Ex:  They are head over heels in love with each other . fairly Ex:  It looks like something fairly serious . absolutely Ex:  You are absolutely right. strictly Ex:  This meeting is strictly business . flatly Ex:  he flatly denied the charges literally Ex:  ' is written እንታይ, literally . completely Ex:  Rubella has been completely eradicated from our country. the whole way downright Ex:  He isnt an idiot, but he is downright cunning. through Ex:  I know my part in the play through and through . entirely Ex:  The moral question is not entirely seperable from the financial one.
Suggested : in at one end, side, or surface and out at the other in a simple manner clearly and easily from this or that place off penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge having deep insight or understanding not admitting of something else incompatible
Word of the day
(एककलम) ekakalama
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Verb and/or Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Persian language .
Transliteration :