Meaning of (एतबारी) etabaree in english
As noun : stalwart
faithfully Ex:  faithfully Translate sure Ex:  Everyone sure got down on fast food . trusty sterling Ex:  From the gold, sterling silver, which is the under orders; Gold, silver unsavory, who is not as such trusted Ex:  Regardless, Smuts trusted Rhodes implicitly. believable Ex:  Giving credence to something, make that we believed, making it believable
As verb : tried Ex:  She tried for the Olympics convincing Ex:  Neither are convincing substitutes
As adjective : trustworthy Ex:  Put somebody credit, to trustworthy reliable Ex:  This is not a particularly reliable method of contraception safe Ex:  Cohabitation with a menstruating woman is not safe for health reasons. authentic Ex:  There are authentic amusements: Brazilian bars credible Ex:  While some modern historians accept the story as credible certain Ex:  The custome of child marriage is still prevalent in certain parts of the world. implicit Ex:  Mut's infertility and implicit virginity was taken into consideration
Suggested : free from doubt as to the reliability, character, action, etc, of something not false or copied genuine real strict or thorough in the performance of duty secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk strongly and stoutly built sturdy and robust
Exampleएतबारी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(एतबारी) etabaree
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi .
Transliteration :