Meaning of (एधित) edhita in english

As noun : bloody Ex:  Even after three bloody wars
absolute Ex:  Since absolute pitch is rare in European musical culture radical Ex:  France outlawed the most radical political party relative Ex:  In atoms with too many or too few neutrons relative to the number of protons clear Ex:  Although such defects were clear as early as 1849 dead Ex:  Also, the burial of dead became more individual. the full measure of fill Ex:  Please fill this form in . plain Ex:  Farfantepenaeus, Fenneropenaeus, or Marsupenaeus instead of plain Penaeus. positive Ex:  Bakshi has stated, "The film was positive black in a huge way. unconditioned total Ex:  It is awe-inspiing to watch the total eclipse. clean Ex:  Steam locomotives require large pools of labour to clean in depth perfect Ex:  Therefore every man has perfect freedom teem with crowded Ex:  dehli gate area is crowded honeycombed
As verb : utter Ex:  One should not utter the name of God in vain consummate complete Ex:  This is complete listing of our models. congested Ex:  Many of these Autoroutes are frequently congested at rush hour. studded Ex:  decorations studded Chest occupied Ex:  Japanese forces occupied the foreign concessions and captured the soldiers. stuffed Ex:  The sheriff stuffed Tex into the tiny cell .
As adjective : integral Ex:  Jan Mayen is an integral part of Norway thorough Ex:  However religion never provides a thorough and detailed legal system. plenary Ex:  By the close of the 10th plenary session in December 1988 full fledged clean acceptance,complete,completed,exhaustive,finished,full,ntegral,laudatory,plenary,ripe straight out unqualified finished Ex:  If you have finished eating you may leave the table. loaded Ex:  Special shot cartridges, called rat-shot, usually loaded with #12 shot in a . awash Ex:  The country is awash with bad writing, bad brochures jam packed dotted with Ex:  After the lakes freeze over they become dotted with ice fishing ice houses full Ex:  The house is full of lizards. alive Ex:  The highest animals laid warm and wet creatures alive rife Ex:  Corruption is rife at all levels
As adverb : outright Ex:  Kennedy initially opposed the march outright in toto thoroughly Ex:  Although attacks are not studied as thoroughly as in striking-based arts through Ex:  urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder
Suggested : complete or total free from imperfection complete perfect of, pertaining to, or belonging as a part of the whole constituent or component stained or covered with blood to give audible expression to speak or pronounce
Exampleएधित का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(एधित) edhita can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : edhita

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