Meaning of (एनडोर्स) enadorsa in english
As noun : grant Ex: He may also grant pardons
understand Ex: Only advocates can understand the language of courtroom. own Ex: she could hear echoes of her own footsteps yield Ex: Organisms that reproduce sexually yield a smaller number of offspring take Ex: to take medicinai herb for ill. welcome Ex: Despite an enthusiastic welcome on his first arrival in America buy Ex: I cant afford to buy expensive things. leap at give Ex: Politicions give adulatory speeches before elections. carry the can bite Ex: Tom put the bite on me for ten dollars . resign to carry Ex: Ask Sally to carry through on her project . take on board
As verb : recognize Ex: I don't recognize that word . comply Ex: Combined with the auxiliary be, it means, speaking of things, comply with, have compared to accept Ex: Joyce found it difficult to get a publisher to accept the book acknowledge Ex: Today's Protestants acknowledge that Mary is "blessed among women" recognise Ex: Vajrayāna Buddhists recognise a large body of Buddhist Tantras adopt Ex: I will adopt this policy as my own . accede Ex: Go to a proposal, Y accede accept approve Ex: It has refused to approve the budget only twice receive Ex: They were also entitled to receive heraldic supporters. admit Ex: Cuba does not admit to holding political prisoners take up Ex: This caused the Tutsis to take up arms against the Belgians allow Ex: Current law does not allow any of these weapons to be registered. defer Ex: BACK mean figuratively away someone that purpose proposes, delay, defer some business profess Ex: Nearly all Qataris profess Islam.
Other : take as one finds them
Suggested : to admit to be real or true recognize the existence, truth, or fact of to take or receive (something offered) receive with approval or favor to act or be in accordance with wishes, requests, demands, requirements, conditions, etc agree (sometimes followed by with ) to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc to bestow or confer, especially by a formal act
Exampleएनडोर्स का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(एनडोर्स) enadorsa
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from English language .
Transliteration :