Meaning of eemanadaree se,imanadari se in english

Interpreting eemanadaree se,imanadari se - ईमानदारी से
As noun : scrupulously Ex:  They were scrupulously accorded the rites and offerings considered proper.
aboveboard right Ex:  His step brother contested for his right in the property. justly Ex:  I suppose, could justly claim to be called the ugliest town in the Old World". cleanly Ex:  Hydrogen used in transportation would burn relatively cleanly religiously Ex:  he came religiously every morning at 8 oclock trust Ex:  Temüjin put absolute trust in generals
As adverb : honestly Ex:  Doing things honestly has been a keystone of his life. straightforwardly conscientiously Ex:  By extension, This historian conscientiously documenting earnestly Ex:  Beseech, ask earnestly faithfully Ex:  faithfully Report frankly Ex:  he took off his politicians hat and talked frankly
Other : fair means sincerely Ex:  "There are few accomplishments in my life that I am sincerely proud of.
Suggested : controlled by or done according to one's inner sense of what is right governed by conscience principled going or directed straight ahead in an honest manner in accordance with what is good, proper, or just having scruples having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right principled
Exampleईमानदारी से का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of eemanadaree se,imanadari se Antonyms of eemanadaree se,imanadari se

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Usage of ईमानदारी से:
1. शहाबुद्दीन मामले में ईमानदारी से रखा पक्ष: नीतीशlivehindustan.com2. ट्रंप ने सोमवार को ओहायो के कोलम्बस में टाउन हॉल में अपने भाषण के दौरान कहा, 'मुझे यह बात ईमानदारी से कहनी है कि चुनाव में धांधली होने की आशंका है jagran.com3. प्रसाद ने कुंबले के एक साल के लिए कोच नियुक्त किए जाने के तुरंत बाद कहा कि ईमानदारी से कहूं, यदि मुझे पता होता कि अनिल भी आवेदन कर रहा है तो मैं आवेदन ही नहीं करताibnlive.comRelated words :
eemanadaree se,imanadari se can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : iimaanadaarii se

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