Meaning of (ईसर) isar in english

Other : ruler Ex:  The Mixtec also recorded a ruler named for the Feathered Serpent.
lord Ex:  In a joke, a woman says of her husband: My lord god Ex:  This hill was known to the Warao as the home of the sea god Na’barima . master Ex:  After completing 20 tracks, the master tapes were stolen from the studio. king Ex:  Jaichand, the king of Kannoj was the arch-rival of Prithviraj Chauhan, the king of Delhi.
Suggested : a male sovereign or monarch a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people a person with the ability or power to use, control , or dispose of something the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe a person who rules or governs sovereign
Exampleईसर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of ईसर:
1. गणगौर के गीत गाते हुए ईसर पार्वती की पूजा हुई bhaskar.com2. विशेष परिधानों में सजी-संवरी महिलाएं शृंगारित ईसर और पार्वती को नृत्य के साथ संध्या वेला में गणगौरघाट ले गईं bhaskar.com3. गोर-गोर गोमती, ईसर पूजे पार्वती
(ईसर) isar and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : iisara

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