angeekrrit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अंगीकृत angeekrrit news and headlines :
1. विश्व स्वास्थ्य दिवस के अवसर पर मोनेट इस्पात एवं एनर्जी लिमिटेड की सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व निर्वहन की शाखा मोनेट फाउण्डेशन के बैनर तले अंगीकृत दो ग्रामों में निशुल्क स्वास्थ्य शिविर का आयोजन किया गया bhaskar.com2. रायगढ़ | सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व के तहत गुरुवार को मोनेट फाउण्डेशन के द्वारा अंगीकृत ग्राम नहरपाली एवं रक्सापाली में स्वास्थ्य शिविर का आयोजन किया गया bhaskar.com3. शहरी क्षेत्रों में शिक्षा, महिला स्वास्थ्य, गरीबी उन्मूलन व भुखमरी के निदान में अच्छी प्रगति डॉ. जोनाथन ने बताया कि एमडीजी के अंतर्गत निर्धारित आठ लक्ष्यों और देश में अंगीकृत 35 बिन्दुओं पर जिलावार प्रतिवेदन प्रमंडलीय कार्यशाला से प्राप्त किया गया,जिसे संकलित किया जा रहा है
Usage and Example of angeekrrit 1. साल 2010 में आधिकारिक रूप से अंगीकृत किए गए रुपये के इस चिन्ह को देवनागरी के व्यंजन 'र' और एक क्षैतिज पट्टी को जोड़ कर बनाया गया है। 2. झारखंड सरकार ने साहूकार एक्ट 1974 में संशोधन करने का निर्णय लिया है. अविभाजित बिहार के समय लागू एक्ट को ही झारखंड में अंगीकृत किया गया है.। 1. "Any argument also is fertile me," he wrote, referring to the circumstances of daily life, historical events or random readings responsibility of the subject or the theme adopted a moment 2. ) Rudolf Firkušný 1912-1994 America had adopted him as one of the most authentic representatives of Czech piano 3. ); Finally, the adopted child by full adoption when his original filiation was not established may no longer entitled to know his biological parents 4. , Be adopted by the Masonic Lodges around the world, but the Grand Orient of France, founded in 1773, asserted his anti-clericalism in 1887 and the United Grand Lodge of England will recognize that the Great French National Lodge, founded in 1913 5. ; - Exclusive distribution agreements: these agreements allow an industry to determine what will be its customers and to exclude distributors who do not meet the conditions adopted by producers

Given are the examples of hindi word angeekrrit usage in english sentences. The examples of angeekrrit are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., adoptive, adopted, avowed, accepted.

In many areas, men and women still continued to hunt and gather food, and elsewhere people adopted farming and herding slowly, over several thousand years.कई जगहों पर स्त्री-पुरुष शिकार और भोजन-संग्रह करने का काम करते रहे थे वहीं अन्य लोगों ने हज़ारों सालों के दरम्यान धीरे-धीरे खेती और पशुपालन को अपना लिया|

Why are some people more intelligent than others? s it due to their heredity, or is it due to the influence of environmental factors? The evidence for hereditary influences on intelligence comes mainly from studies on twins and adopted children.
Another line of evidence comes from the studies of adopted children, which show that children s intelligence is more similar to their biological rather than adoptive parents.
With respect to the role of environment, studies have reported that as children grow in age, their intelligence level tends to move closer to that of their adoptive parents.
Children from disadvantaged homes adopted into families with higher socioeconomic status exhibit a large increase in their intelligence scores.
After independence, Indian policy makers adopted all measures to achieve self-sufficiency in food grains.
India adopted a new strategy in agriculture, which resulted in the Green Revolution especially in the production of wheat and rice.
It was for the first time that a differential price policy was adopted for poor and non-poor.
Under such conditions, several different kinds of irrigation systems are adopted to supply water to agricultural lands depending on the kinds of water resources available.
The charkha came to represent India, and it was put at the centre of the tricolour flag of the Indian National Congress adopted in 193 What happened to the weavers and spinners who lost their livelihood? Many weavers became agricultural labourers.
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