antaramntara example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all! Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast loses its charm without bread.
Each embryo-sac has a three-celled egg apparatus – one egg cell and two synergids, three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei.
The one at the top is Aladdin from the Orient who built a beautiful palace with his magic lamp.
What had been a lovable, beautiful creature just a little while ago had now suddenly lost its charm and its life and looked so horrible, so frightening as it lay there, legs spreadeagled, a fixed stare in its lifeless eyes, blood all over.Transliterated examples :
1. Their religion centered on the worship of ancestors, is the origin of the Haitian voodoo 2. The first type is rare, often limited to serious offenses ritual, especially incest and to black magic or witchcraft 3. "[The example of holy lives is] all the more persuasive it shows that under these graces with soft luster and charm us that both our mothers and sisters" (G 4. "approval, charm of a thing" (Adam Game, ed 5. / Attractiveness of, approval, charmGiven are the examples of hindi word antaramntara usage in english sentences. The examples of antaramntara are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sorcery, witchery, hockey pockey, diablerie, necromancy, incantation, voodoo, witchcraft, whammy, paternoster, the black art, vodoun, charm, exorcism, invocation, magic, observatory, apparatus, witchcraft.
But Tilloo had watched his father slip the magic card into a slot.
Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all! Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast loses its charm without bread.
Each embryo-sac has a three-celled egg apparatus – one egg cell and two synergids, three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei.
The one at the top is Aladdin from the Orient who built a beautiful palace with his magic lamp.
From the second half of February of this year, in various regions of the Ukraine … mass insurrections of the peasantry have taken place, caused by distortions of the Party's line by a section of the lower ranks of the Party and the Soviet apparatus in the course of the introduction of collectivization and preparatory work for the spring harvest.
Some of the common situations that we encounter in our daily life for example, are the sale of ball pens or some magic medicine or book of jokes in the roadways buses; the sale of cosmetics/ detergent powder, door-to-door sales; and the sale of vegetables by the road side by a small farmer.
One such efficient mechanism is carried out by juxta glomerular apparatus (JGA).
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