antarbadal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. " The most serious criticism that can be made interchangeable these definitions is that a belief or custom can never be mere survivals 2. Gabriel Marcel insisted on the one hand, on the facts visible to anyone, those where I was interchangeable with another, and, secondly, on the facts that can not be experienced except through me 3. The building is presented as a broad glass hall on both sprockets, "encased" in a casing supported by a perfect finish white frame, and consists of stamped aluminum panels or glass, in principle interchangeable 4. The same typographic vignettes illustrated the first books of the Flemish publishers, German or Italian; they were further interchangeable 5. This evolutionary view implies that, individual or company that lives its culture and think like an envelope, some interchangeable

Given are the examples of hindi word antarbadal usage in english sentences. The examples of antarbadal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., interchangeable.