antahakarna example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Liang Qichao and al-Afg hn ? would have reason and against the naive conscience of Europe of their time 2. Meanwhile, in the metropolis, the theme of the empire is exalted in a climate of euphoria and good conscience which especially reflect the commemoration of the centenary of the expedition to Algiers and Colonial Exhibition in 1931 3. Most are attentive to the dictates of their conscience alone 4. My mission is to lead these forces against a world that my conscience can not accept, so I can, through successive metamorphoses, to this world according to my dreams "(1975) 5. New Hand Jean Rostand 1894 Paris-Ville d'Avray in 1977 French Academy 1959 The odious of bad faith is that it ends up giving bad conscience in good faithGiven are the examples of hindi word antahakarna usage in english sentences. The examples of antahakarna are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., conscience.
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