aksharasnsthaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. " Prepared in 1872-1874, started in 1874-1875, interrupted between 1875 and 1877 for writing Three Tales, Bouvard is reset starts as soon qu'Hérodias completed 2. "Bouvard and Pecuchet" (1872-1875 and 1877-1880) From 1 July 1872, Flaubert wrote to George Sand after Saint Antoine he immediately will make writing a great modern novel, "who will claim to be comical 3. "For Faulkner, writing is a total act, an irrational attempt in that it seeks nothing less than to exist, just as a body 4. "For him, writing Nettl, all music is equal 5. "In fact, in 1854, in full writing Madame Bovary, he confided to Louise Colet:" I am driven to write large sumptuous things, battles, sieges, the old descriptions of fabulous East [

Given are the examples of hindi word aksharasnsthaana usage in english sentences. The examples of aksharasnsthaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., writing, script.

Can you tell the advantages of writing on a hard surface?क्या तुम बता सकती हो कि कठोर सतह पर लेख लिखवाने के क्या लाभ थे?

On the roof the pigeons cooed very low, and I thought to myself, Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons? Whenever I looked up from my writing I saw M.
The British believed that the act of writing was important.
Some of these could be answered in writing individually.
Till the 1970s, consumer organisations were largely engaged in writing articles and holding exhibitions.
Two columns for writing the debit and credit totals of various accounts and two columns for writing the debit and credit balances of these accounts.
An error in the books of original entry, if discovered before it is posted to the ledger, may be corrected by crossing out the wrong amount by a single line and writing the correct amount above the crossed amount and initialling it.
The first column is for the head of the account, the second column for writing the debit balance and the third for the credit balance of each account in the ledger.
I sit inside, doors open to the veranda writing long letters in which I scarcely mention the departure of the forest from the house.
There are a variety of writing tasks: help writing newspaper report, an article for a school magazine, argumentative writing, narration, description, and picture interpretation.
संबंधित शब्द अक्षरसंस्थान के पर्यायवाची

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