akhabaaranaveesa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of akhabaaranaveesa 1. ’ फिर घूरकर देखा और जोड़ा-‘मियाँ, कहीं अखबारनवीस तो नहीं हो? 2. जिला योजना, राज्य योजना, राष्ट्र योजना- उदिया को सूचनासम्पन्न बनाने वाली अखबारनवीस की अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता, दालभात के मोल बिक गई। 1. ) EINAUDI LUIGI (1874-1961) After his studies at the University of Turin (1895), Einaudi became an economic journalist and teaches economics at Turin and Milan 2. ) EISNER KURT (1867-1919) German politician and journalist 3. ) GRIFFITH ARTHUR (1872-1922) Son of a long line of printers, Arthur Griffith was a formidable combat journalist 4. At the Westminster Review, she met philosopher Herbert Spencer evolutionist and George Lewes, critic, journalist 5. Back in Paris in 1921 as a correspondent for the Soviet press, Ehrenburg now lead front a career as a journalist and writer

Given are the examples of hindi word akhabaaranaveesa usage in english sentences. The examples of akhabaaranaveesa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., journalist, paparazza, publicist, scribbler.

You may see it being used when a counsellor interacts with a client, a salesperson makes a door-to-door survey regarding the usefulness of a particular product, an employer selects employees for her/his organisation, or a journalist interviews important people on issues of national and international importance.

The journalist Wilhelm Wolff described the events in a Silesian village as follows: In these villages (with 18,000 inhabitants) cotton weaving is the most widespread occupation … The misery of the workers is extreme.
Firdaus Kanga is a writer and journalist who lives and works in Mumbai.
A well-known Indian journalist wrote of how the Fashion Week, in which clothes designers show their new creations to rich people, formed the front page headlines of all the newspapers while several slums were being demolished in Mumbai, the very same week, and this was not even noticed! As citizens of a democracy, the media has a very important role to play in our lives because it is through the media that we hear about issues related to the working of the government.
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