agana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of agana 1. अजीब हो तुम, तुम्हारी आँखों मे अगन नही दिखती। 2. ऐसी कुछ खास मुहब्बत की अगन लगती है। 3. मिट जाएगी पेट की अगन। 4. मैं समझ गया कि यहां तक मेरे प्रेम अगन की लौ पहूंच चुकी है। 5. ‘ग’गरमीया अगन तत्व है,उर्जा का है साधन। 1. 54 He gave thanks to the gods by countless sacrifices 2. After countless run-ins with the police in all countries and with psychiatry, it ends up being arrested for offenses menus (theft, forged rail tickets) and accomplishes frequent stays in prison between 1938 and 1943 3. After countless slowly accumulated knowledge, he published his first story at forty-nine, in 1725, to defend against the Aristotelian doctor Martín Martínez, author of a skeptical Medicine 4. All the passions, love, jealousy, adoration and hatred, experience too, with its findings and His judgments, unite to give the official name of countless variations wife, from the angel to the wretched 5. Alongside Rivera, Orozco, Siqueiros and countless participants stands Tamayo, prestigious colorist

Given are the examples of hindi word agana usage in english sentences. The examples of agana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., innumerable, zillion, countless, uncountable, million, accountable, billion, myriad, unnumerable, unnumbered, uncounted, multitudinous, unnumberable, numberless, legion, incalculable, courtyard, patio, compound, court, fire, flame.

We know about people who lived in the subcontinent as early as two million years ago.हम उन लोगों के बारे में जानते हैं, जो इस उपमहाद्धीप में बीस लाख साल पहले रहा करते थे|

The Palaeolithic period extends from 2 million years ago to about 12,000 years ago.पुरापाषाण काल बीस लाख साल पहले से 12,000 साल पहले के दौरान माना जाता है
5 billion global enterprise.
The collage you see below contains some news clippings of consumer court verdicts.
Why did the people go to the consumer court in these cases? These verdicts came about because some people persisted and struggled to get justice.
Similarly, a long battle had to be fought with court cases to make cigarettemanufacturing companies accept that their product could cause cancer.
When she filed the case in the District Consumer Court, the Court directed the Institute to refund Rs 28,000 saying that she had the right to choose.
The State Commission upheld the district court s direction and further fined the institute Rs 25,000 for a frivolous appeal.
Prakash filed a case in a district level consumer court in New Delhi.
The district level court deals with the cases involving claims upto Rs 20 lakhs, the state level courts between Rs 20 lakhs and Rs 1 crore and the national level court deals with cases involving claims exceeding Rs 1 crore.
संबंधित शब्द अगन के पर्यायवाची

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