adhinaayakeey example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Regarding the first, the relationship with the reality this time is immediate, since it is in his own experience of dictatorial regimes that the author drew much of his inspiration 2. the authoritarian regime itself Attitude, arbitrary, violent and dictatorial imposed by anyone to any group, his entourage Fascism (citations ) noun (Italian fascism, from fascio, beam) Albert Camus Mondovi today Deraan, Algeria, 1913-Villeblevin, Yonne, 1960 Any form of contempt, if it intervenes in politics, prepares or creates fascism 3. The first solution is adopted by the West; the second by the socialist countries, which have, especially during the time of Stalin, dictatorial regimes only able to demand a lasting sacrifice 4. The Franco regime is dictatorial fact: it is the will of a man who is law, without there being next to him other powers able to offset his and control the use that he makes 5. In a boiling countries Bobrikov received dictatorial powers in 1903

Given are the examples of hindi word adhinaayakeey usage in english sentences. The examples of adhinaayakeey are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dictatorial.

After becoming the president of Iraq in 1979, Saddam ran a dictatorial government and suppressed any dissent or opposition to his rule.

The second revolution (October Revolution) was accompanied by violence, pillage, taxes and the establishment of dictatorial power … Once a small group of Tsarist bureaucrats oppressed the Kirghiz.
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