adhye?na example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A golf course of nine or ten- eight holes, strewn with obstacles (natural or artificial) The blows, golf 2. A manual, an ethno course 3. Golf course used for training 4. 1 Then I started to draw some carrots, of course 5. 100 mountainous terrain whose course is generally difficult

Given are the examples of hindi word adhye?na usage in english sentences. The examples of adhye?na are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., course, science, reading, instruction, study.

Rasheeda sat reading the newspaper.रशीदा बैठी अख़बार पढ़ रही थी|

Religious teachers walked from village to village, town to town, stopping to offer instruction and advice on the way.धार्मिक गुरू लोगों को शिक्षा और सलाह देते हुए एक गाँव से दूसरे गाँव तथा एक कसबे से दूसरे कसबे जाया करते थे|
In the course of the day she meets customers for a general feedback and any suggestions that they may have.
However, one question that needs to be addressed pertaining to the nature of management is whether it is a science or an art or both? In order to answer this let us examine the features of both science and art to see how far management fulfills them.
The basic features of science are as follows: Systematised body of knowledge: Science is a systematic body of knowledge.
These principles constitute the science of management.
Management as an art and a science are therefore not mutually exclusive, but complement each other.
From your previous reading you know that culture is a collective system of customs, beliefs, attitudes, and achievements in art and literature.
Some may express creativity in writing, still others in dance, music, poetry, science and so on.
From this discussion here, and your earlier reading of microeconomics, you may have already begun to understand in what way macroeconomics differs from microeconomics.
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