anabhyaarohya example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In all these initiatory tales, the end of the plot "police" is also exactly the mystical end of history, the one who must save mankind from a boat irretrievable time leading mankind to destruction 2. Do not try to make a list of these sinister irretrievable loss of our heritage 3. This is another branch of the family that was born Johann Karl Esterházy Count, whose daughter Caroline was a student and the unattainable beloved Franz Schubert 4. This unattainable ideal, as it haunts my project myself in the presence of others, does not amount to love as love is a company that is to say a set organic projects toward my own possibilities 5. The crown of France is unavailable

Given are the examples of hindi word anabhyaarohya usage in english sentences. The examples of anabhyaarohya are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., irretrievable, unattainable, unavailable, unachievable, out of print, unprocurable, unobtainable.