anahelanaa example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statement of different accounting years meaningless because accounting records ignore changes in value of money.
In the first set are included factors like Historical Analysis, Ignores Price-Level Changes, Ignore Qualitative or Non-Monetary Aspects, Limitations of Accounting Data, ariations in Accounting Practices, and Forecasting.
This is because the nature of the task helps the individual to pay full attention to the task, and ignore the noise.
I wanted to ignore the phone, not only because the spaghetti was nearly done, but because Claudio Abbado was bringing the London Symphony to its musical climax.Transliterated examples :
1. show of meanness, servility 11 We spend nearly kings all the time of our lives To suffer the scorn and bend the knees ( 2. For these people, the consumption of the food - the bread and squash - take varying aspects connoted positively or negatively to taste the travelers 3. The whole was installed in a squash court located under the bleachers of the stadium of the University of Chicago 4. If hurt, hurt knee (? Limping, cit If trample knee (? Child, cit It hurts 5. Livestock trample the muddy streetsGiven are the examples of hindi word anahelanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of anahelanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., scorn, pooh pooh, squash, trample, slight, defy, ignore, dishonor, flout, scoff.
For example, it is easier to be effective and ignore efficiency i.
A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statement of different accounting years meaningless because accounting records ignore changes in value of money.
In the first set are included factors like Historical Analysis, Ignores Price-Level Changes, Ignore Qualitative or Non-Monetary Aspects, Limitations of Accounting Data, ariations in Accounting Practices, and Forecasting.
This is because the nature of the task helps the individual to pay full attention to the task, and ignore the noise.
Perfect spaghetti-cooking music! I hear the telephone ring but tell myself, Ignore it.
But this slight respite was hardly reassuring enough for taking no action.
There is a slight drizzle outside and I'm reminded of the good times we had together at Bangalore last year.
Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw — For he's the master criminal who can defy the Law.
Actually, these figureures are of Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices for 2002-0 Let us ignore what this complicated term exactly means.
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