anaastha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Among other citizens, public officials are not indifferent to the political debate 2. and morning to give thanks never pass indifferent to a coffin (SAND, Lelia, 1833, p 3. But the process can be extended to objects indifferent to sexual purpose 4. Compensation is paid to the former owners, whose protests leave indifferent opinion 5. From an ardent character, concentrated, it is known to despise society life and be indifferent to what the other designers

Given are the examples of hindi word anaastha usage in english sentences. The examples of anaastha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., indifferent, insensitive, incurious, dispirited, pulp, apathetic, uninterested, disinterested, dispiriting, stoical, chilly, nonchalant, unresponsive, unconcerned, deaf, offhand, distant.

Motivation helps to change negative or indifferent attitudes of employee to positive attitudes so as to achieve organisational goals.

For example, a worker may have indifferent or negative attitude towards his work, if he is not rewarded properly.
Both skills were developed in response to subcontinental conditions: the doosra to counter aggressive batsmen with heavy modern bats who were threatening to make finger-spin obsolete and reverse swing to move the ball in on dusty, unresponsive wickets under clear skies.
Industries that discharge effluents, and pump this untreated sewage into rivers, seem to be unconcerned about the dangerous physical and psychological consequences of this kind of pollution.
The wood pulp was mixed with chemicals and finally changed into paper by machines.
As you have seen pulp was changed into paper and paper into a note book.
The paper made from pulp and cloth made from cotton have had value added to them at each stage of the manufacturing process.
The industries associated with forests are pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, furniture and buildings.
It is often said that political parties are facing a crisis because they are very unpopular and the citizens are indifferent to political parties.
However, management of every enterprise can benefit from being aware of these dimensions instead of being disinterested in them.
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