anirnit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. ] Would open me big stomach "(Colette) 2. Too open flower; flower that passes, fades, fades, flakes, leaves its petals fall 3. 100 seats in the Sejm are open to competition 4. 1613 meters open to the north and opening to the south, at 1631 meters, the tunnel is 596 meters long by 6, but it is closed from November to May because of snow 5. A C ? of open borders oriented regular ? 1 ? 2

Given are the examples of hindi word anirnit usage in english sentences. The examples of anirnit are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., open.

On the other hand, informal assessment varies from case to case and from one assessor to another and, therefore, is open to subjective interpretations.

It was so warm, so bright! The birds were chirping at the edge of the woods; and in the open field back of the sawmill the Prussian soldiers were drilling.
Everybody looked sad; and Hauser had brought an old primer, thumbed at the edges, and he held it open on his knees with his great spectacles lying across the pages.
The Constitution makers, however, were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the state Legislative Assemblies.
Therefore it is necessary to have a free and open discussion about who is a better representative, which party will make a better government or what is a good policy.
PDS dealers are sometimes found resorting to malpractices like diverting the grains to open market to get better margin, selling poor quality grains at ration shops, irregular opening of the shops, etc.
The price for APL family is almost as high as open market price, so there is little incentive for them to buy these items from the ration shop.
Yields are increased by locating large schools of fish in the open sea using satellites and echo-sounders.
Their plump physique was an open testimony to this.
I sit inside, doors open to the veranda writing long letters in which I scarcely mention the departure of the forest from the house.
संबंधित शब्द अनिर्णित के पर्यायवाची