andhakaar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
So once in a while a comet comes close to the Sun; it has a longish tail that is lit brilliantly by the sunlight and then it recedes into darkness not to be seen again for years, or for centuries.
However, this should not be construed to mean that they occur in darkness or that they are not lightdependent.Latest अन्धकार andhakaar news and headlines :
1. सूर्य जो अन्धकार को दूर करने वाला और रोशनी प्रदान करने वाला साक्षात् देव है | हिन्दू धर्म में इन्हे सूर्य देव की संज्ञा दी गयी है | धार्मिक आस्था है की इनकी नित्य पूजन से मनुष्य को समृद्धि , मान सम्मान , यश की प्राप्ति होती है | सूर्य jagran.comUsage and Example of andhakaar 1. इस अन्धकार और निराशा में वह डूबी जा रही है। 2. जाड़े की रात थी, प्रकृति सन्नाटे में डूबी हुई, सारा गाँव अन्धकार में लय हो गया था। 3. फूल में कोई काँटा तो नहीं छिपा हुआ है, प्रकाश के पीछे कहीं अन्धकार तो नहीं है ! 4. अन्धकार के वक्षस्थल पर। 5. देखते-देखते अन्धकार ने गिरिप्रदेश को ढँक लिया। 1. It appears as nostalgia or the threat of an accessible universe with powers of darkness and the emissaries of the afterlife 2. Machiavelli advocated the system of royal arbitrariness as the only adapted to the political situation of the time, he was accused of moral darkness and defense of tyranny 3. More powers are assured to man, but the darkness of the beyond does seem more daunting 4. O night, O darkness refreshing! you are to me the inner party signal (BAUDEL 5. Other colored species are autotrophs to light, but may live in darkness by becoming heterotrophic (EGiven are the examples of hindi word andhakaar usage in english sentences. The examples of andhakaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., darkness, eclipse.
The sun disappeared behind the hills, and soon darkness enveloped the grass, the flowers and the trees.
So once in a while a comet comes close to the Sun; it has a longish tail that is lit brilliantly by the sunlight and then it recedes into darkness not to be seen again for years, or for centuries.
संबंधित शब्द अन्धकार के पर्यायवाची अन्धकार के विपरीत शब्द