anyaava example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But as falsehood and injustice resulting from human selfishness harden the natural truth there interposing their violence, saty graha will not oppose violence more violence 2. But the demands of his thought does not meet the image of the gods, submitted by the myth, so that one is tempted to attribute to him the number of his heroes revolt against divine injustice 3. Hippolyte reputation has drawn as that of his younger, not without injustice 4. It can thus offer an equity solution when it considers that the strict application of the law would lead to injustice 5. It is the God of the Old Testament, jealous God, claiming to be the only God, God legislator and Punisher, just God, the summit of justice being the pinnacle of injustice

Given are the examples of hindi word anyaava usage in english sentences. The examples of anyaava are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., tyranny, injustice, iniquity, inequity, wrongdoing, wrong, unfairness.

Normally, such barriers result on account of use of wrong words, faulty translations, different interpretations etc.

For example, the book-keeper may debit a correct amount in the wrong account while making the journal entry or in posting a journal entry to the ledger.
Error while posting a journal entry: a journal entry may not have been posted properly to the ledger, i.e., posting made either with wrong amount or on the wrong side of the account or in the wrong account.
Error in recording a transaction in the journal: making a reverse entry, i.e., account to be debited is credited and amount to be credited is debited, or an entry with wrong amount.
Error in recording a transaction in subsidiary book with wrong name or wrong amount.
These are the errors which are committed due to wrong posting of transactions, wrong totalling or balancing of the accounts, wrong casting of the subsidiary books, or wrong recording of amount in the books of original entry, etc.
If the difference between the debit and credit columns is divisible by 2, there is a possibility that an amount equal to one-half of the difference may have been posted to the wrong side of another ledger account.
Examples of such errors are complete omission to record an entry in the books of original entry; wrong recording of transactions in the book of accounts; complete omission of posting to the wrong account on the correct side.
Examples of such errors are error of casting; error of carrying forward; error of balancing; error of posting to correct account but with wrong amount; error of posting to the correct account but on the wrong side; posting to the wrong side with the wrong amount; omitting to show an account in the trial balance.
An error in the books of original entry, if discovered before it is posted to the ledger, may be corrected by crossing out the wrong amount by a single line and writing the correct amount above the crossed amount and initialling it.
संबंधित शब्द अन्याव के पर्यायवाची

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