aparadan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of aparadan 1. ये नदियाँ गहरे महाखîóों से गुजरती हैंए जो हिमालय के उत्थान के साथ-साथ अपरदन क्रिया द्धारा निर्मित हैं। 2. बãपुत्र नदी बाढ़ए मार्ग परिवर्तन एवं तटीय अपरदन के लिए जानी जाती है। 3. इसमें मृदा का पोषण स्तर गिर जाता है तथा अपरदन और दुरुपयोग के कारण मृदा की गहराई कम हो जाती है। 4. इस कारण भारी बारिश में मृदा अपरदन हो सकता है। 1. Also this logic she had parallel consecration and erosion 2. But levels are elderly, and the corresponding fossil facies are erased by erosion 3. Colani in the late 1920s, the Mesolithic culture of Hoa Binh, presumably after the Sonvien, was born in a limestone area where erosion has carved numerous caves, caves suitable for human settlement 4. Composite fault escarpments A composite fault scarp combines original portion related to tectonics to a portion due to differential erosion 5. Deposits post-Alpine orogeny An intense erosion followed the final stages (Eocene terminal?) Of the Alpine orogeny

Given are the examples of hindi word aparadan usage in english sentences. The examples of aparadan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., erosion, wearing away, eroding, eating away, wearing.

The aim of this movement is to conserve forests, prevent landslides and soil erosion in the region, and to support the livelihood of the inhabitants.

The Chipko movement's memorandum of demands included six principles: (a) only specific trees and vegetation suitable for a particular geographical region should be grown, (b) forests in landslide and soil erosion zones need to be identified and renewed, (c) those who have been customarily living near the forests and depending on them for survival should be given the right to do so, (d) the contractor system for commercial timber exploitation should be abolished, (e) trees used by the villagers must be planted near the villages, and (f) village cottage industries based on minor forest products should be set up to provide jobs to locals for checking migration from villages.
This may eventually affect the pattern of rainfall in a region, and increase soil erosion and desertification.
Erosion is the wearing away of the landscape by different agents like water, wind and ice.
This process of erosion and deposition create different landforms on the surface of the earth.
Due to continuous erosion and deposition along the sides of the meander, the ends of the meander loop come closer and closer.
The erosion and deposition of the sea waves gives rise to coastal landforms.
Further, erosion breaks the roof and only walls are left.
An active agent of erosion and deposition in the deserts is wind.
Besides geological formations, a number of processes such as weathering, erosion and deposition have created and modified the relief to its present form.
संबंधित शब्द अपरदन के पर्यायवाची अपरदन के विपरीत शब्द