abhilekan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Cab, recording studio 2. mechanical recording (burning to disk), optical (motion picture), Magnetic (tape recorder, VCR) 3. Punch (equiv recording of French, multiplay, etc 4. The recording collects the inheritance tax, taxes on securities and stamp duty 5. recording (expressions) male name Registration Chamber, Assembly which simply vote without discussion the projects presented by the

Given are the examples of hindi word abhilekan usage in english sentences. The examples of abhilekan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., recording.

It includes stuffing ballot boxes by a few persons using the votes of others; recording multiple votes by the same person; and bribing or coercing polling officers to favour a candidate.

Error in recording a transaction in the journal: making a reverse entry, i.e., account to be debited is credited and amount to be credited is debited, or an entry with wrong amount.
Error in recording a transaction in subsidiary book with wrong name or wrong amount.
These are the errors which are committed due to wrong posting of transactions, wrong totalling or balancing of the accounts, wrong casting of the subsidiary books, or wrong recording of amount in the books of original entry, etc.
When a transaction is completely omitted from recording in the books of original record, it is an error of complete omission.
When the recording of transaction is partly omitted from the books, it is an error of partial omission.
They can be rectified by recording a journal entry giving the correct debit and credit to the concerned accounts.
Examples of such errors are complete omission to record an entry in the books of original entry; wrong recording of transactions in the book of accounts; complete omission of posting to the wrong account on the correct side.
The errors which affect only one account can be rectified by giving an exaplanatory note in the account affected or by recording a journal entry with the help of the Suspense Account.
If error is posting to a wrong account on the wrong side (without mentioning amount of posting) then assume that posting has been done with the amount as per the original recording of the transaction.
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