abhivyanjana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of abhivyanjana 1. उन्होंने आधुनिक हिंदी कविता को अभिव्यंजना की नयी पद्धति और काव्य-भाषा को नवीन दृष्टि से समृद्ध किया है। 2. आत्मकथात्मक शैली में लिखा गया यह पाठ अपनी अभिव्यंजना में अत्यंत रोचक और पठनीय है। 3. पारिवारिक संबंधों की अभिव्यंजना समूचे सामाजिक-राजनीतिक ढ़ांचे पर भी पड़ती है। 4. एक मूक जीव के साथ एक-तरफा संवाद वेताल की इस कहानी को अद्भुत अभिव्यंजना प्रदान करता है। 5. कहने का तात्पर्य इतना कि रचना की भाषा को शब्द, अर्थ और अभिव्यंजना, सभी के स्तर पर विषयानुकूल और सुगम होना चाहिए तभी वह हृदयस्पर्शी बन सकेगी। 1. Bringing these two formulas provides the expression of the oscillator strength: Orchard = N / n = [face me = h ? F0019 F3211 ? face = nm / nm ? face = F3211 / F3211 ? face = e 2] Bnm 2. Burning, playback mode or form of expression engraving was not born of aesthetic intentions but of practical necessity to multiply the images, in this same movement that ensured the dissemination of texts by printing 3. But Christ Giorgione is characterized by a more pronounced expression of feeling and a more realistic colors 4. But for the rest, their face turns, features and expression 5. But it can be interpreted as the effect of a true expression - the emergence of finally free text, free from the shackles of grammatical or social conventions

Given are the examples of hindi word abhivyanjana usage in english sentences. The examples of abhivyanjana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., expression, look.

There is little scope for the expression of spontaneity, originality, and imagination.

Hunger is not just an expression of poverty, it brings about poverty.
A Calculated control is a special type of control, which displays the derived results of an expression or query.
The expression may consist of ready-to-use functions that are meant to make computations by using input values.
The value of these controls changes automatically as and when the data, to which the expression of the control is bound, changes.
Click Add button to provide condition-2 as Expression is [AuthBy]<> A001 and [Debit] like 71* .
These functions also form a part of the expression for a computed field.
) mostly regulate gene expression or chromosome function by the interaction of hormone-receptor complex with the genome.
Hostile aggression is that which is shown as an expression of anger towards the target, with the intention of harming her/ him, even if the aggressor does not wish to obtain anything from the victim.
Among human beings, aggression is largely the result of learning rather than an expression of an inborn tendency.
संबंधित शब्द अभिव्यंजना के पर्यायवाची अभिव्यंजना के विपरीत शब्द

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