amaat? example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A cuneiform text from around 2400 states that a "queen of Dilmun" sent dates, copper and regalia to a Sumerian queen of Lagash 2. And new parliamentary Fronde Fronde The queen had in October confirm the deletion stewards 3. Between 1361 and 1369, Froissart lived in England Philippa of Hainault service, became queen by her marriage to Edward III 4. Furthermore, the court, and especially the queen hates them as much as she hates the Jacobins and refuses to join them to slow the course of the Revolution 5. He tries to get closer succession of Conde, Mazarin again Condé and then the queen who finally understands and gives him, in 1651, the object of his ambition: the cardinal's hat

Given are the examples of hindi word amaat? usage in english sentences. The examples of amaat? are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., queen.

In the background you see the outer wall of an Indian palace, while in the foreground, seated on horseback is the third son of Queen ictoria of Britain, Prince Arthur, who was given the title Duke of Connaught.

Rich people of England including the Queen herself wore clothes of Indian fabric.
THE King and Queen of Siam had many daughters, and the Queen said that it confused her to have to remember so many names.
She cried so much that the Maids of Honour, not knowing what to do, told the Queen, and the Queen said it was stuff and nonsense and the child had better go to bed without any supper.
However, they were made to acknowledge the British Queen as their Sovereign Paramount.
The President of India is like the Queen of Britain whose functions are to a large extent ceremonial.
Before the war, Lin wrote a strong letter to Queen ictoria criticizing the trade in opium.
Here is an extract from Lin's “Letter of Advice to Queen ictoria” 'All those people in China who sell opium or smoke opium should receive the death penalty.
The queen is the mother of the entire population of the colony.
The queen leaves the nest and goes out to meet a male ant, or drone, high up in the air.
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