arari example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Surat has also been called the gate to Mecca because many pilgrim ships set sail from here.
His entry was slides of frog tissues, which he showed under a microscope.
This project won Ebright first place in the county fair and entry into the International Science and Engineering Fair.
It is an arithmetical check under the double entry system which verifies that both aspects of every transaction have been recorded accurately.Transliterated examples :
1. Push the door of the knee 2. Put a door on its hinges 3. Showcase ice, a door 4. 11 Water door twenty names 5. 61 For the form, it will take, please, bring me, Before going to bed, the keys to your doorGiven are the examples of hindi word arari usage in english sentences. The examples of arari are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., door, hatch, threshold, vent, entrance, doorway, inlet, entry, outlet, vestibule, gate, shutter.
Restricted entry: The entry to a profession is restricted through an examination or through acquiring an educational degree.
Surat has also been called the gate to Mecca because many pilgrim ships set sail from here.
His entry was slides of frog tissues, which he showed under a microscope.
This project won Ebright first place in the county fair and entry into the International Science and Engineering Fair.
For example, the book-keeper may debit a correct amount in the wrong account while making the journal entry or in posting a journal entry to the ledger.
The total of debit column of trial balance should agree with the total of credit column in the trial balance because the accounts are based on double entry system.
But it does not guarantee that the entry itself is correct.
Error while posting a journal entry: a journal entry may not have been posted properly to the ledger, i.e., posting made either with wrong amount or on the wrong side of the account or in the wrong account.
Error in recording a transaction in the journal: making a reverse entry, i.e., account to be debited is credited and amount to be credited is debited, or an entry with wrong amount.
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