arishta example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. It constantly undergoes the eternal wound of love 2. It is aimed at men in their temperament that has more land, more eternal 3. it is not a little girl sitting in the boarding schools which carries with it a drop of royal blood and the eternal that made big princesses of old 4. It represents the eternal woman, "the mother of his father," the eternal feminine of Goethe, which is suspended the salvation of humanity and indeed the world, by virtue of pure love 5. It seems that, for many theorists, a deeper reason is the fascination with the idea that the world (material and, consequently, biological) should be eternal

Given are the examples of hindi word arishta usage in english sentences. The examples of arishta are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., gritty, dogged, persevering, unwavering, sure footed, resolute, indestructible, imperishable, eternal, auspicious, bright, good, red, happy, golden, propitious, nasty, bad, ill, evil, unpleasant, dead, baddy, stinking, fearful, wrong, dark, sinister, unfavourable, sad, untoward, ill starred, bad, unlucky, calamity, unpropitious, inauspicious, ill fated, tribulation, pressure, chagrin, trial, vexation, difficulty, objection, challenge, need, adversity, misery, calamity, danger, fire, reverse, disaster, unfortunate, misfortune, tough, rotten luck, calamity, bad luck, misadventure, hard luck, hard lines, tough luck, mischance, judgment, fate, hoodoo, portent, garlic, allium sativum, ail, azadirachta indica (neem tree, azadirachta indica, crow, vulture, buzzard.

Objects that are made of hard, imperishable substances usually survive for a long time.ऐसे तत्त्व जो कठोर तथा जल्दी नष्ट न होने वाले पदार्थों से बने होते हैं काफी लम्बे समय तक बचे रहते हैं

To hunt animals or catch fish and birds, people need to be alert, quick, and have lots of presence of mind.जानवरों के शिकार, चिड़िया या मछलियाँ पकड़ने के लिए बड़ा सतर्क, जागरूक और तेज़ होना पड़ता है|
To collect plant produce, you need to find out which plants or parts of plants are edible, that is, can be eaten, as many can be poisonous.पेड़-पौधों से खाना जुटाने के लिए यह जानना जरूरी होता है, कि कौन-से पेड़-पौधे खाने योग्य होते हैं, क्योंकि कई तरह के पौधे विषैले भी होते हैं|
People, plants and animals need water to survive and water is found in lakes, streams and rivers.पानी के बिना किसी भी प्राणी या पेड़-पौधो का जीवित रहना संभव नहीं होता और पानी झीलों, झरनों तथा नदियों में ही मिलता है|
As stone tools were important, people tried to find places where good quality stone was easily available.चूंकि पत्थर के उपकरण बहुत महत्वपूर्ण थे इसलिए लोग ऐसी जगह ढूँढ़ते रहते थे, जहाँ अच्छे पत्थर मिल सकें|
Is good quality butter available here?क्या यहाँ अच्छा मक्खन मिलता है?
We need to analyse this definition.
But these two aspects need to be balanced and management at times, has to compromise with efficiency.
In a factory, a product is manufactured, in a garment store a customer s need is satisfied and in a hospital a patient is treated.
The effect of management is noticeable in an organisation where targets are met according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied, and there is orderliness instead of chaos.
संबंधित शब्द अरिष्ट के पर्यायवाची

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