avivek example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Due to indiscriminate killings, several birds and animals have either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction.
It nearly got extinct due to its indiscriminate hunting and is now a protected species.
He was not happy that the forest adjoining their village is not regenerating and is on the verge of disappearing due to overgrazing of animals and indiscriminate felling of trees.Latest अविवेक avivek news and headlines :
1. अविवेक की ये कैसी परिणति! LiveHindustanUsage and Example of avivek 1. जी नहीं, उसकी क्रूरता और अविवेक के कारण। 2. अविवेक से बुद्धि का नाश हो जाता है और बुद्धि नष्ट हो जाने से मनुष्य नष्ट हो जाता है अर्थात् पुरुषार्थ के योग्य नहीं रहता। 3. उन्होंने कहा कि अविवेक और अज्ञानता, विकार और व्यसन, यही आत्मा के अंधकार का कारण हैं। 4. अनुकरणीय है, तुम्हारीनिष्ठुरता, तुम्हारी निर्लज्जता, तुम्हारा अविवेक,। Given are the examples of hindi word avivek usage in english sentences. The examples of avivek are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., irrationality, unreason, indiscriminate, imprudence, rashness.
In the 1960s, when the forest department of the government was not quite successful in curbing the indiscriminate felling of trees in large numbers, people of the economically backward Uttarakhand region expressed their concern through the Chipko movement, which became stronger because of devastating floods in 1970.
Due to indiscriminate killings, several birds and animals have either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction.
It nearly got extinct due to its indiscriminate hunting and is now a protected species.
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