avynktika example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The Anglo-Spanish dispute Through the open or latent conflict that continues to oppose London to Madrid clash two myths: that of the entire national territory, that of the spirit of the empire 2. The failure of the peace Eubulus 346, the resumption of operations, initially latent and then open, against Philip would lead to political retirement Eubulus, which he is no longer a question after Eubulus 342 3. The latter, always latent in the ceramic art, somehow crystallized in Delft with the massive importation of porcelain from China and Japan by the East India companies 4. The war was soon to return, latent first, then open when Athens had undertaken to lead an expedition to Sicily 5. When the total stock of the radiation, the sensible and latent heat, the heat conduction down, is positive, this excess heat is used to melt

Given are the examples of hindi word avynktika usage in english sentences. The examples of avynktika are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., clandestine, unarticulated, unspoken, inarticulate, undeclared, unvoiced, ulterior, latent.