ashaant example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अशान्त ashaant news and headlines :
1. मेष : मन अशान्त रहेगाlivehindustan.comUsage and Example of ashaant 1. रात एक ऐसी बात हो गयी, जिससे चित्त अशान्त उठा। 2. अशान्त इसी को नहीं समझने के कारण होते है। 3. कुछ यात्रियों के आने से धर्मशाला में अच्छा रौनक मेला तो हो गया था, पर मेरा मन अशान्त था और दुविधा का शिकार भी। 4. समुद्र ऊपरी तल पर सदा चंचल-दोलायमान बना रहता है, अतः अशान्त भी बना रहता है। 5. उसमें बडे़-बडे़ तूफान भी आते हैं, तब अत्यन्त अशान्त हो जाता है। 1. Other problems then agitated France, on which opposing parties right and left: rise of fascism, social issue, Popular Front 2. The artist is the one who goes crazy with wisdom and modeling the object according to his gesture, which puts his thoughts into being agitated Corps folly 3. This coexistence has been dramatic, agitated bloody events 4. This manifesto is in the wake of the artistic culture after the war, agitated by many revolutionary organizations of artists and architects 5. ? the container is a shaker which is agitated to make a cocktail

Given are the examples of hindi word ashaant usage in english sentences. The examples of ashaant are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., agitated, restless, perturbed, rough, unsettled, uncool.

, he became restless and started walking on the road in search of a hotel for snacks or meals.

All of this raised the premium on skill and reduced the influence of rough ground and brute force.
In Gujarat, the Sabarmati-basin farmers were agitated and almost caused a riot over the higher priority given to water supply in urban areas, particularly during droughts.
She sat in the corner of the room where the rough boys who did not make good marks sat, the corner of the room where there was most scuffling of feet, most roars of laughter when anything funny was said, and most mud and dirt on the floor.
Wanda did not sit there because she was rough and noisy.
They are anxious, moody, touchy, restless and quickly lose control.
The description of the economy in the previous section enables us to have a rough idea of how a simple economy – without a government, external trade or any savings – may function.
Women in different parts of the world organised and agitated for equal rights.
संबंधित शब्द अशान्त के पर्यायवाची अशान्त के विपरीत शब्द

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