astangat example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. voice of Sara behind the sometimes low stage sometimes overly strengthened almost sunk as a phenomenon of fading (CLAUDEL, Tobias and Sara, 1940, p 2. Having sunk into alcoholism, the novelist who has become a myth died in 1967, aged forty-nine, in almost total solitude 3. Member of a tribe of southern India a few clans [of Rajputs] appear to be aryanized Sudras and others descended from indigenous tribes like the Gond, Bhar, and Kharwar ( 4. Most often, these are the waters descended from the mountains, wetter and cooler, which are put to use 5. Oil wells and gas were already operated in Japan in the seventh century AD; in the seventeenth century, the wells, which could reach one hundred meters deep, were dug by a worker descended a rope