ahaanikar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Normally, it is considered to be safe if debt equity ratio is 2: This ratio measures the degree of indebtedness of an enterprise and gives an idea to the long-term lender regarding extent of security of the debt.
an individual has enough money to buy sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet one's dietary needs.
A Communist was a godless man he had no filial or conjugal love; he had no compunction about killing his own parents or his children; he was always out to cause and spread unrest and violence among innocent and ignorant people.
It has been reported that more than one billion of our fellow human beings have no access to safe drinking water.Transliterated examples :
1. Great wits are safe to madness near allied, and thin partitions do Their bounds divide 2. Perhaps, but it is not safe 3. The intensity of this maritime traffic is marked by the existence of numerous large ports, whose establishment was helped by particularly deep and safe estuaries 4. The press broadcasts several confidential reports which show that we have sought to sell the stocks of safe blood products and to delay the use of the test to give every chance to the French product 5. The producer is indeed forced to deliver a consistent consumer gas regulatory specifications set by the government to ensure the safe transport and usersGiven are the examples of hindi word ahaanikar usage in english sentences. The examples of ahaanikar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., innocent, innocuous, safe, unoffending, undamaging, unharmful, unobjectionable.
Normally it is advocated to be safe to have a ratio of 1:1 as unnecessarily low ratio will be very risky and a high ratio suggests unnecessarily deployment of resources in otherwise less profitable short-term investments.
Normally, it is considered to be safe if debt equity ratio is 2: This ratio measures the degree of indebtedness of an enterprise and gives an idea to the long-term lender regarding extent of security of the debt.
an individual has enough money to buy sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet one's dietary needs.
A Communist was a godless man he had no filial or conjugal love; he had no compunction about killing his own parents or his children; he was always out to cause and spread unrest and violence among innocent and ignorant people.
All efforts made during this decade aim to reduce by half the number of people who do not have access to safe drinking water.
Three months of food every day and a bed every night, three months safe from the cold north wind and safe from cops.
Not only is it necessary for us to be able to meet our daily needs but safe drinking water can prevent many water-related diseases.
These deaths can be prevented if people have access to safe drinking water.
There have been several court cases in which both the High Courts and the Supreme Court have held that the right to safe drinking water is a Fundamental Right.
संबंधित शब्द अहानिकर के पर्यायवाची अहानिकर के विपरीत शब्द