aa?kika example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
It has set up educational institutions in the fields of management, engineering and computer education, in which one-third of the students are girls.
Given the low levels of literacy in the rural sector, the role of the Choupal Sanchalak, the lead farmer of the village, in facilitating physical interface between the computer terminal and the farmers is central to the project.
Our computer has given a trajectory for this thing .
The term virtual reality refers to a reality created by computer software, and a virtual classroom is not a real classroom but one where learning is through computer software or the Internet.Transliterated examples :
1. Copest is integrated into the design and manufacturing computer aided software (C 2. Disclosure of information through a computer in France cost at least 860 million francs in 1994 3. Educational software use different computer languages ??offered by manufacturers on equipment 4. Electrical industries, electronic and computer are against by a rapidly growing sector that employs about 500,000 people 5. For some, the computer must indeed be considered as a method of formation of thought, as well as Latin, for exampleGiven are the examples of hindi word aa?kika usage in english sentences. The examples of aa?kika are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., computer, teller, calculator, scorer, counter.
This was considered by many industry observers as the birth of the Indian computer industry.
It has set up educational institutions in the fields of management, engineering and computer education, in which one-third of the students are girls.
Given the low levels of literacy in the rural sector, the role of the Choupal Sanchalak, the lead farmer of the village, in facilitating physical interface between the computer terminal and the farmers is central to the project.
Our computer has given a trajectory for this thing .
Its data type is set to Date/Time with format set to Medium Date (dd-MMMyy); Default value set to = Now() to imply current date in Real Time Clock (RTC) of computer system and caption property set to Date.
Auto dialer button in a form when clicked is capable of dialing a telephone number, provided a modem is attached and configureured in the computer system.
A report generated by Access may also be sent using E-Mail facility, provided the computer system has Internet facility and is connected to the Mail Server of the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
These compounds are nonreactive, non flammable, non toxic organic molecules and therefore used in refrigerators, air conditioners, in the production of plastic foam and by the electronic industry for cleaning computer parts etc.
The box explains how an import-export company was able to track dishonest employees by using computer monitoring as a part of their control system.
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