aadhipaty example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest आधिपत्य aadhipaty news and headlines :
1. यह प्रताप का गौरव ही था कि मुगल इतिहासकार भी हल्दीघाटी को मुगल आधिपत्य की जीत बताने में सकुचाते रहे bhaskar.com2. उसने तीनों लोकों पर अपना आधिपत्य स्थापित कर लिया jagran.comUsage and Example of aadhipaty 1. जैसा कि आपको याद होगा, 1789 में फ़्रांस एक ऐसा राज्य था जिसके संपूर्ण भू-भाग पर एक निरंकुश राजा का आधिपत्य था। 2. संसार में अनेक राष्ट्र अंग्रेज़ों का आधिपत्य स्वीकार नहीं करते, बिलकुल स्वाधीन हैं। 3. दक्षिणी कछार के एक शूरवीर नैबोपोलास्सर ने बेबीलोनिया को 625 ई.पू. में असीरियाई आधिपत्य से मुक्त कराया। 4. अफगानिस्तान पर आधिपत्य उसकी भरत विरोधी रणनीति का अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण अंग है। 5. जब रात्रि का अन्धकार सर्वत्र अपना आधिपत्य जमा लेता तो राजकुमारी खिड़की में से उठती। 1. After the iconoclastic period (725-843), the "Macedonian Renaissance" devoted hegemony Byzantine manuscripts for decoration; the classicist style is evident in the Paris Psalter (Bibl 2. Bible Limoges, Toulouse Josephus, Bibl In the twelfth century, hegemony is taken by northern workshops, contact the media Mosan (Corbie, Saint 3. But as much as the Austrian hegemony over Italy, the reactionary power of the Jesuits, to Gioberti, hampers national renewal 4. England, saved, strengthening its maritime and colonial hegemony 5. It is marked by a constant of French diplomacy, that of Eastern Insurance against yesterday against the Germans today to balance US hegemony

Given are the examples of hindi word aadhipaty usage in english sentences. The examples of aadhipaty are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., hegemony, sovereignty, possession, sway, predominance, rule, subordination.

It was all much more tempting than the rule for participles, but I had the strength to resist, and hurried off to school.

What would I not have given to be able to say that dreadful rule for the participle all through, very loud and clear, and without one mistake? But I got mixed up on the first words and stood there, holding on to my desk, my heart beating, and not daring to look up.
Similarly, we cannot fix one single date on which British rule was established, or the national movement started, or changes took place within the economy and society.
In the histories written by British historians in India, the rule of each Governor- General was important.
These histories began with the rule of the first Governor-General, Warren Hastings, and ended with the last iceroy, Lord Mountbatten.
In this idea of history, British rule represented all the forces of progress and civilisation.
The period before British rule was one of darkness.
Can we uncritically accept this characterisation of the modern period to describe the period of our study? As you will see in this book, under British rule people did not have equality, freedom or liberty.
You will also come to know about the changes British rule brought about in values and tastes, customs and practices.
A rule of the people is possible without any elections if all the people can sit together everyday and take all the decisions.
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