aadhyaatmavidya example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. After studying theology in his country of origin, he studied literature at Oxford 2. Apparently a theory of this kind has more to theology than science 3. Born into a family of teachers in Bamberg (Bavaria), ordained priest in 1822, doctor of theology in 1826, is named Döllinger that year professor at the University of Munich, where he remained until his death 4. Finally, we should not forget that for Grotius humanist philology foster mother is both the theology of law and jurisprudence 5. Godefroid maintained an ambiguous theology which distinguished him from both St

Given are the examples of hindi word aadhyaatmavidya usage in english sentences. The examples of aadhyaatmavidya are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., theology.

There were other important differences between the various schools of law (Hanafi and Shafi'i mainly in India), and in theology and mystic traditions.

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