aaraamatalaba example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of aaraamatalaba 1. मलका की फौज में अब न लज्जा थी न वीरता, गाने-बजाने और सैरै-तमाशे ने उन्हें आरामतलब बना दिया था। 2. सुन्‍नी फूहड़ होती, कटु भाषिणी होती, आरामतलब होती, तो समझती भी। 3. बैरकों में, दिन के पहर काफ़ी इत्मिनान वाले, यहाँ तक कि आरामतलब भी हो सकते हैं। 4. इसकी मुख्य वजह अतिरिक्त वसा वाला भोजन, आरामतलब जीवन, तनाव एवं फास्ट फूड आदि माना जा सकता है । 5. इसके उलट मांसाहार, तला भोजन और आरामतलब जीवनशैली हमारे शरीर में भी बुरे कॉलेस्टरॉल की मात्रा बढाती है। 1. Often brilliant, growth is still fragile 2. Oppositional since 1981, the right pondered the lesson and remade his union, which, however, remains fragile 3. Physiological characteristics The ripe fruit , at least when it is fleshy, is characterized in many species a breathing and intense emission of ethylene and a fragile pressures (Figure 3 4. remains one of the few achievements of the seven-Giscardian but an acquired increasingly fragile 5. The alliance was as fragile as the League of the public good run against Louis XI, to which, in 1465, Francis II had brought an insufficient and late contest

Given are the examples of hindi word aaraamatalaba usage in english sentences. The examples of aaraamatalaba are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fragile, tender, gentle, lethargic, sluggish, pokey, hibernation, laggard, dull, slow, torpid, careless, lazy, slowgoing, tardy, unenergetic, languorous, slack, cool, poky, sluggish, indolent, lazy, supine, idle, remiss, slowcoach, faineant, lazybones, slothful, careless, otiose, torpid, work shy, easy, good for nothing, neer do well, worthless, miserable, useless, bum, useless, lazy (if used as adjective, shiftless, no hoper, hopeless.

None of these things was easy to do.लेकिन यह सब कर पाना बिल्कुल आसान नहीं था|

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