aarogy example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest आरोग्य aarogy news and headlines :
1. आरोग्य भवन में आयोजित संवाद कार्यक्रम में बिहार के राज्यपाल डॉ. रामनाथ कोविंद ने कहा कि झारखंड के युवा हुनरमंद बन कर रोजगार पैदा करें jagran.com2. डांग जिले के आहवा में 'वनबंधु आरोग्य धाम' नाम के अस्पताल बन रहा है bhaskar.com3. एसोसिएट पार्टनर्स हैं आईपीएस ग्रुप, लोटस इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स सुपरमार्केट, आनंद ज्वेलर्स, मारूति सुज़ुकी, फॉर्च्यून लैंडमार्क और आरोग्य रीटेल bhaskar.com
4. एसोसिएट पार्टनर्स हैं आईपीएस ग्रुप, लोटस इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स सुपरमार्केट, आनंद ज्वेलर्स, मारूति सुज़ुकी, फॉर्च्यून लैंडमार्क और आरोग्य रीटेल bhaskar.com5. एसोसिएट पार्टनर्स हैं आईपीएस ग्रुप, लोटस इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स सुपरमार्केट, आनंद ज्वेलर्स, मारूति सुज़ुकी, फॉर्च्यून लैंडमार्क और आरोग्य रीटेल bhaskar.com6. आरोग्य रहने के लिए करें ॐ का उच्चारणlivehindustan.com7. आरोग्य रहने के लिए करें ॐ का उच्चारणlivehindustan.com8. इस शिविर में यदुनंदन सिंह ने कहा सेवा समर्पण की भूमि है, आरोग्य मंदिर अस्पताल की धरती bhaskar.com9. नालारोड स्थित आरोग्य मंदिर में बुधवार को नि:शुल्क लेंस प्रत्यारोपण शिविर का आयोजन किया गया bhaskar.com10. प्रथम नवरात्रि पर मां के चरणों में गाय का शुद्ध घी अर्पित करने से आरोग्य का आशीर्वाद मिलता हैlivehindustan.comUsage and Example of aarogy 1. करुणा, आरोग्य और शाकाहार के उद्देश्य से बनाये गये सामूहिक ब्लॉग निरामिष पर 100 साल के दौड़ाक फौजा सिंह के बारे में पढा तो उनकी दृढता के क़ायल हो गये। 2. इसकी आराधना से बल, कीर्ति, आरोग्य और निर्भीकता बढती है। 3. इसकी आराधना से बल, कीर्ति, आरोग्य और निर्भीकता बढती है। 4. अटल बिहारी बाजपेयी बाल आरोग्य एवं पोषण मिशन के दस्तावेज में प्रस्तावित लक्ष्य निम्नानुसार हैं 5. बैठक में बताया गया कि आयुर्वेद कांग्रेस और आरोग्य एक्सपो के दौरान विभिन्न कार्यक्रम होंगे। 1. A thriving health and ( 2. Feeling his health declined, he took in 1620 as coadjutor, his brother Jean-François that he formed to be his successor 3. He drinks, made scandal on scandal, ruin his health 4. His end is clouded by disfavor sanctioned semi-retirement before 1700, and finally by poor health 5. His health caused him always setbacks and it was maintained by a strict psychosomatic discipline

Given are the examples of hindi word aarogy usage in english sentences. The examples of aarogy are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., health, salubrity.

But the basic questions of the study of macroeconomics would remain the same and you will find that these are actually the broad economic questions that concern all citizens Will the prices as a whole rise or come down? Is the employment condition of the country as a whole, or of some sectors of the economy, getting better or is it worsening? What would be reasonable indicators to show that the economy is better or worse? What steps, if any, can the State take, or the people ask for, in order to improve the state of the economy? These are the kind of questions that make us think about the health of the country s economy as a whole.

In a developing country like India such choices have to be made to remove or reduce unemployment, to improve access to education and primary health care for all, to provide for good administration, to provide sufficiently for the defence of the country and so on.
The state, in many instances, undertakes production apart from imposing taxes and spending money on building public infrastructure, running schools, colleges, providing health services etc.
However, for some products that affect the health and safety of consumers or of products of mass consumption like LPG cylinders, food colours and additives, cement, packaged drinking water, it is mandatory on the part of the producers to get certified by these organisations.
Areas of better housing, education and health facilities are more densely populated e.g., Pune Places with religion or cultural significance attract people.
This was as there were no proper health facilities.
Within countries large number of people may move from the rural to urban areas in search of employment, education and health facilities.
Now, with improving health care, death rates have fallen, but birth rates still remain high leading to high growth rates.
People vary greatly in their age, sex, literacy level, health condition, occupation and income level.
The composition of population helps us to know how many are males or females, which age group they belong to, how educated they are and what type of occupations they are employed in, what their income levels and health conditions are.
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