itavaar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest इतवार itavaar news and headlines :
1. यूं तो इतवार की सुबह अलसाई होती है लेकिन अबकी अलहदा थीlivehindustan.com2. यूं तो इतवार की सुबह अलसाई होती है लेकिन अबकी अलहदा थीlivehindustan.com3. यूं तो इतवार की सुबह अलसाई होती है लेकिन अबकी अलहदा थी
4. मतदाता पंजीकरण दिवस इतवार को LiveHindustan5. कीमती होते इतवार बाजार के फुटपाथ LiveHindustanUsage and Example of itavaar 1. दूसरे दिन इतवार था। 2. आज इतवार है-सो एक बजे खाना खाकर आए और लिखने बैठ गए। 3. जियाराम-आखिर कल तो इतवार है ही। 4. इतवार वाली फुटपाथ बाज़ार में। 5. ८३३ साल बाद ये संयोग आया हैं की जुलाई में ५ शुक्रवार , ५ इतवार और ५ शनिवार होगे ।

Given are the examples of hindi word itavaar usage in english sentences. The examples of itavaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sunday.

But now it was all so still! I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but, of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning.

Poor man! It was in honour of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes, and now I understood why the old men of the village were sitting there in the back of the room.
By the seventeenth century, cricket had evolved enough to be recognisable as a distinct game and it was popular enough for its fans to be fined for playing it on Sunday instead of going to church.
The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him.
One Sunday afternoon, not long after I had started high school, I was sitting at home at our dining-room table doing homework.
One Sunday morning, the children packed a few things like a knife, a hand lens, a stick, a notebook and walked together through a forest trail near a village.
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