itikartavyataa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Comes the time travel: India, Africa, Central Asia; it is somehow complement practice in direct contact with other cultures, Western studies 2. Conditionality has evolved with practice and expanding the assistance of F 3. Democratic theory needs to practice success 4. Emphasizing the variety of human thought and practice in its reasoning methods, it lent itself open to several criticisms 5. Encomienda Encomienda The practice of encomienda, which was established in the sixteenth century in Spanish America, was based on the one followed in medieval Spain against the vanquished Muslims

Given are the examples of hindi word itikartavyataa usage in english sentences. The examples of itikartavyataa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., practice, perfection, fulfilment, soundness, fullness, totality, throughness.

The study of management has evolved over a period of time along with the modern organisations; based both on the experience and practice of managers and a set of theoretical relationships.

Since art is concerned with personal application of knowledge some kind of ingenuity and creativity is required to practice the basic principles learnt.
Based on practice and creativity: All art is practical.
Art involves the creative practice of existing theoretical knowledge.
A manager achieves perfection after long practice.
The practice of management is an art.
However, managers can work better if their practice is based on the principles of management.
Professional association: All professions are affiliated to a professional association which regulates entry, grants certificate of practice and formulates and enforces a code of conduct.
To be able to practice in India lawyers have to become members of the Bar Council which regulates and controls their activities.
All doctors, for example, take the oath of ethical practice at the time they enter the profession.
संबंधित शब्द इतिकर्तव्यता के पर्यायवाची

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