insaaiklopeediyaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. ENCYCLOPEDIA ENCYCLOPEDIA FRENCH FRENCH Original Formula knowledge presentation, the French Encyclopedia was born in Paris 1930 In July 1932 the Minister of Education, Anatole de Monzie, boosted by foreign achievements (including Italian and Soviet encyclopedias), decided to create a new encyclopedia 2. Heir to the reflection of the great interpreters of nature - Aristotle, Pliny, Cicero, Lucretius, Vesalius - this great book is both a hymn to creation and an encyclopedia of contemporary science 3. It would be out of place here to resume the debate on the binomial nature and culture, which is the subject of an article in this encyclopedia 4. Published from 1924 to 1937) is designed as a series of monographs and catalog raisonné devoted to artists, and shows knowledge both "sensationalist" and encyclopedia of artistic production examined 5. Suffice it to browse this encyclopedia to find that, nowadays, logarithms and exponential involved in all areas of human activity, be it physics, medicine, social sciences

Given are the examples of hindi word insaaiklopeediyaa usage in english sentences. The examples of insaaiklopeediyaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., encyclopedia, encyclopaedia.