ibhaaneemeelikaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. ingenuity in the way to design and expose sth 13; 2. One could also cite other examples where the ingenuity of experimentalists leverages distinctive biological properties hybrids for their selection, accumulation and isolation 3. Pungent alertness; ingenuity in how to design and expose something 4. These basic principles, strict in appearance, were applied with great ingenuity and flexibility, all variations are possible, depending on the topography of the site and its historical evolution 5. You see the thing is easy enough, if languages ??are relatives, in the case of words with the same origin; and that it is virtually impossible in all other cases except to exercise extreme ingenuity

Given are the examples of hindi word ibhaaneemeelikaa usage in english sentences. The examples of ibhaaneemeelikaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ingenuity, tact, resourcefulness, wisdom, intelligence, grey matter, wiseness, cannabis.

Since art is concerned with personal application of knowledge some kind of ingenuity and creativity is required to practice the basic principles learnt.

understand psychological attributes on which people differ from each other, learn about different methods that are used to assess psychological attributes, explain what constitutes intelligent behaviour, learn how psychologists assess intelligence to identify mentally challenged and gifted individuals, understand how intelligence has different meaning in different cultures, and understand the difference between intelligence and aptitude.
Generally, students having low intelligence are not likely to do so well in school-related examinations, but their success in life is not associated only with their intelligence test scores.
n this section, you will read about intelligence in its various forms.
Psychological notion of intelligence is quite different from the common sensical notion of intelligence.
The Oxford Dictionary explains intelligence as the power of perceiving, learning, understanding, and knowing.
Early intelligence theorists also used these attributes in defining intelligence.
He defined intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well, and reason well.
Wechsler, whose intelligence tests are most widely used, understood intelligence in terms of its functionality, i.e. its value for adaptation to environment.
You will be able to understand the concept of intelligence and how it has evolved, when we discuss some important theories of intelligence.
संबंधित शब्द इभानीमीलिका के पर्यायवाची

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