ugraka example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Sometimes, the situational influences are so powerful that individuals with differing personality traits respond to them in almost the same ways.
What would I not have given to be able to say that dreadful rule for the participle all through, very loud and clear, and without one mistake? But I got mixed up on the first words and stood there, holding on to my desk, my heart beating, and not daring to look up.
How it must have broken his heart to leave it all, poor man; to hear his sister moving about in the room above, packing their trunks! For they must leave the country next day.
Markets do not work in a fair manner when producers are few and powerful whereas consumers purchase in small amounts and are scattered.Transliterated examples :
1. His courageous stances, close Johannes Denck options, it will attract sectarian hatred 2. It is obvious that the work resulting from these courageous options, whether directives or guidelines, are clearly engaged in now and do not claim to the serenity of history 3. The chosen name seems to mean bold, courageous (see Old Norse: Frekkr); it does not completely eliminated the old names, some of which were brought to the Carolingian period by the Franks who had not migrated to the west 4. ) Strong Woman; strength, (however) power of women, women without weakness; courageous woman 5. Spirit strong, brave person who received ideas, the common opinionGiven are the examples of hindi word ugraka usage in english sentences. The examples of ugraka are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., courageous, brave, daring, bold, heroic, hero, valiant, plucky, martial, strenuous, unflinching, prow, manly, valorous, heart, mighty, titan, potent, powerful, high powered, big.
Shiv Nadar s risk-taking ability is legendary and he has often made daring forays based on his conviction of the future.
Sometimes, the situational influences are so powerful that individuals with differing personality traits respond to them in almost the same ways.
What would I not have given to be able to say that dreadful rule for the participle all through, very loud and clear, and without one mistake? But I got mixed up on the first words and stood there, holding on to my desk, my heart beating, and not daring to look up.
How it must have broken his heart to leave it all, poor man; to hear his sister moving about in the room above, packing their trunks! For they must leave the country next day.
For example, for some people money can act as powerful motivator while for others promotion may act as effective motivator.
In our country elections are conducted by an independent and very powerful Election Commission (EC).
This land of rolling hills is inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures.
These people married amongst the locals and their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites, which are distinct from the Hindu mainstream.
The monks, in red, ochre and yellow robes, are amongst the many surprises that wait to be discovered by visitors searching for the heart and soul of India, right here in Coorg.
संबंधित शब्द उग्रक के पर्यायवाची